Real Estate Property Tax
NASC’s real estate auditing division audits New York City Department of Finance taxes (non-certiorari) and charges to property owners. Our audit will identify if any errors exist in the various tax abatement/exemptions areas such as SCRIE (Senior Citizen Rent Increase Exemption) DRIE (Disability Rent Increase Exemption), J-51, Shelter Rent, Green Roof Tax Abatement, Cooperative/Condominium Tax Abatement, DHE, REAP, etc. Working in cooperation with the New York City Department of Finance, NASC will determine if your property is receiving the proper tax credits and exemptions it may be entitled to.
NASC will review your company’s tax liability and compare it to the actual current published Department of Finance property class tax rates, as well as historical rates and determine if any errors or issues are detected within the bills and secure any refunds due your company.
If Our Audits Return No Refunds or Credits – We Don’t Get Paid